I just started Act 2 but so far I wish I had 20 grand, I keep under 1k at all times and could easily upgrade those shiny new purple brass knuckles I found It's a lot of fun so far and a lot longer than I expected. About 9 hours in and 32% of the main quest completed, barely started chapter 6 on 18. And this new city map is huge... should be fun
So that means most of the bugs are gone now? Maybe ill pick it up again and give it another try. Hopefully it completely reverses my first impressions from playing the buggy xbox developer version.
ok i'm opening act2 and really want to know.... Why have I had a gun for about 20 quests and never see ammo. what a tease!
at some point you should get some ammo mods to make your own, or if you hunt down some punks they should have ammo on em
They give it to you as some sort of sick joke, the gun sucks anyway. You dont get any really good weapons till the end of the city anyway.
ran into some co-op glitches, like playing for about 3 hours, and it not saving anything i did... even the hammer time and kill 5 infected achievements... still fun, but very dissapointing when something like losing 3 hours of playing and everything you did/collected gone.
You keep all the xp you got don't you? Cause i've had that problem where it doesn't save quest progress, except side quests. and when I ran into it I kept all the weapons I got so I ended up with 3 of that legendary sledgehammer.
Beat the game yesterday, the town was pretty glitchy. Audio of zombies nom noming on nothing would stick after I killed them. Co-op like someone said wouldn't save my progress. Once I modded a weapon and it just disappeared...goodbye nice epic orange. Uhmm other than that, I really did enjoy the game. Gonna replay through the game and get the developer items.
They're craftable items you find from turning in colored skulls that you pick up in hidden locations to various hidden locations on the map. I've so far made the poison knife, and the lightning hand. They both break after like 20 swings, and cost about $10,000 to repair. Not to mention the 5 diamonds, and $10,000 you spent to make it. So all in all you're better off crafting that explosive throwing knife mod and throwing away all the knives you get... It'll be cheaper.
Diamonds are easily farmed, and I've got like 30k =] Honestly just want them because they're cool little items to have. the lightning hand is a really good thing for thugs also.
well when you crit all the time with a deathstalker weapon I guess the hand thing seems a little worse. <3 being the asian who finally got my katana.
Same sentiment, but with Sam B. I throw elbows like a pro and curbstomp for however much I need to in order to absolutely pop heads off people
I just bought it... I played a free version for a little bit and loved it.. so I was able to buy it now =) Gonna have fun with this one =P