DC Universe..preorder to get betakey

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by doctorie, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. I actually preordered it so they should be letting me in sooner or later. Would be happy if it were sooner though.
  2. Kythas

    Kythas Veteran

    There is a beta, I am in it....
  3. So still under tight-lip. ; )
  4. having fun on the pvp server


    just today had time to play.....ill be in game more soon
  5. my villan..



    use vines to pull you close then pound you into the ground with fists

    well at least it suppose to work that way.
    some high level heros camping my area....ouch and ouch...I keep throwing myself at them till I get by..
  6. lol yeah, i never go pvp servers during beta. I'm not trying to test how much of the population is douche ^^

    still waiting for my entry....
  7. the PvP is very PvP...you have a small spawn point where you safe.

    Your outside a club(evil) or police station(hero)..so far that i know.

    There are two avatars there..protection..they open fire on any enemy gets too close.
    Still it did not stop me from being smacked once or twice before the enemy fled.

    I left the inside of the club...its where you buy sell teleport get mail.
    When I spawned outside the door,there were 3 Heros across the street..just out of range of the protectors.

    I stood a minute...looking around, taking in the situation.
    I was level 10,turns out they were 15,25 and 30. I kept throwing myself at them and getting knocked out fast.(you dont die)

    There was no way I could leave that safe area with my acrobat speed. I was camped.
    some more villans spawned eventually..joined the fight..we kept respanwing and getting into the fight fast enough to finally KO them.

    I got jumped a few times while doing quests..won a few..lost a few.

    It makes you a bit nervous while doing quests...your in battle..but watching the radar too for that telltale red dot with the diamond.

    You can wind up fighting the Pve and PvP at the same time.
  8. yeah, pretty much what i expected from the vids I have got to see so far. Still a few nda breakers floating around. how is the combat between people of different lvls 1 on 1? at lvl10 is it pretty hard to take on the lvl15? lvl20? etc
  9. at lvl 13 got my ass kicked by a lvl 10...im such a noob still...
    Having the combos to use..and being able to tap and hold the mouse buttons in the right order is another thing....
    I was getting new combos faster than I learned to use them....and then there is your powers to learn what they are good for..when to best use them.

    I beat up some villian with my hero. I was 12 he was 16. fights are over fast at these levels it seems.

    I was getting one shotted by people 10 lvls higher.

    very enjoyable..and lots of gang fights....anyone can jump in...at any point

    it gets hectic with 6 or more fighting..you can target anyone at anytime..stun one..turn to another..hit him...go back and stun the other guy again.etc
  10. well i was seeing problems with ranged users like pistols and targeting here and there and that is what i was thinking of going with. you see anything like that?
  11. You can cycle targets easily...and target them easily...and every class has a way to close the distance...so you wont be ranged for long. There are root and stuns.
    Then every class has a way of pushing away too.

    targeting is automatic..
    Im not using target lock atm..I like target to change to what I'm facing with wsad.
  12. just a bump since it is down to the last 24-40hrs available to preorder/beta in case people might be on the fence.
  13. The PvP server is how I like my OWPvP to be. Your guard is always up, or it should be. SOE disappointed me recently by removing our ability to talk with the opposite faction. The cry babies won that battle. :(

    Targeting is... problematic for some. They've made improvements, to Dual Pistols in particular, but still have stuff to iron out. Like how my character got locked on to an inanimate object that was behind her and then could not attack the NPC shooting her in the face. :/

    Unfortunately what doctorie mentioned about not staying at ranged for very long is correct, and is one of the biggest negatives about the game to me. It's extremely melee-focused. Every weapon set, including the ranged ones, have a "lunge" ability. This not only closes the gap between you and your target, but does a good amount of damage [more if it crits, and it does often] and can stun your opponent. This can be spammed until your target is dead. Knock back abilities don't toss players very far and only give them more incentive to "lunge spam" you.

    I generally enjoy the game very much. Its action-oriented combat is the biggest draw and only makes my mouth water more for a taste of TERA's combat. Though given its current issues and the design decisions of SOE thus far I'm definitely holding off on buying it.
  14. Kythas

    Kythas Veteran

    Truth about it being melee focused. They recently change the "primary" attack on dual pistols from shooting to pistol whip/kicks, with the secondary being shooting now.
  15. soooo pistols is primarily melee now? what did they do to rifles?
  16. The thing is... every weapon is primarily melee. Every weapon has a lunge move to get into melee range and every weapon has melee combos. Some [most?] ranged weapons even seem to have more melee combos than ranged ones, much to my chagrin. The primary attack/secondary attack change only conflates the issue. SOE stated they wanted combat to be less confusing to new players, so instead of "left mouse button = primary attack & right mouse button = secondary attack" it's now "left mouse button = melee attack & right mouse button = ranged attack," even if your weapon is a supposedly ranged one. The thing is... left mouse button, in my mind, means "primary function of the weapon you're currently using," and this recent change is just annoying rather than helpful.
  17. well that won't bug me too much. I would still consider it primarily ranged if the combos produced ranged attacks. Is this the case? Do the mouse combos have a mixture of ranged and melee or what?
  18. If you can actually finish a combo then it may very well lead to bringing some space between you and your opponent. Dual Pistols has some Jon Woo moves that have you rolling away from enemies while you blast them. Bows have melee combo moves that'll produce a knock back. That space, however, is immediately lost to a lunge, which brings you back to performing melee combos with your ranged weapon.
  19. how is hand blasts as far as ranged v melee and all? I saw it had a lunge and something about kicking energy balls at people.