People Enrolled thus far (17 Total): (alphabetical order) Blasphemy Dash Chaosflip FriendlyFire Jeb Kyoji Kyu PhoenixDog Secksy Seth Almighty Sokar TheCox Tzepic Umgala Valindria Xamiazi Xenzoku
Well, In the clan beta page that I have. there is 12 'primary' and 40ish 'Extra' names I need to supply.
I've been looking forward to this game for awhile now. No levels, no classes, skill based system...gurps ftw! Plus, the pvp sounds really nice. I'll have a good amount of time to play. As soon as I'm home after work expect me on around 6pm est. My Darkfall forum name is Proxus..Proxi was taken. =( I haven't signed up for beta yet, but I will when I can get home and upload my dxdiag file.
Bah after all this time waiting, I'd like to, but I am just not going to have enough time this fall. :*( If you don't mind roughly part timers, I am on board, but I don't want to take a spot from someone who wants it worse. Thanks for thinking of me, Earley
Darkfall is setup to where you dont have to grind for hours on end to be good. Its a PvP game for both hardcore and casual types. Lucky you.
I'll give it a try, can't hurt, or can it. either way, i'm a go on this. someone will need a pocket healer.
I'm interested in seeing how it turns out. I'll sign up. zerorubius /a/ I'm XoO-Rubius on there.
for those who are unfamiliar with Darkfall feel free to check out this writeup that sumarizes some of the features that Darkfall will present. ill post an update to the people signed up here in a bit
People Enrolled thus far (25 Total): (alphabetical order) Aluniver Blasphemy Dash Ding Chaosflip Earley FriendlyFire Jeb Kyoji Kyu Mercsan PhoenixDog Proxi Rubius Secksy Seth Almighty Shiek Sokar The Communist TheCox Tzepic Umgala Valindria Xamiazi Xenzoku
Game sounds really interesting I didn't see how they are handling death penalty and if someone kills you in pvp do they get to loot your corpse and take your gear? I love a chance to check the game out but I will be playing war coming up so I will not be the most active person.
the game is for hardcore and casual players in that there are few safe zones, and you can kill anyone amd loot everything. However, of course there are penalties such as alignment penalties which will make you become red and anyone can kill you without taking an alignment hit as well as not being able to trade due to guards kicking your butt as well as monsters hating you more. Its also casual friendly in that gear is easy and everything is craftable and the game is not gear based and that everyone can start out fresh and be a strong adversary. hope that helps. ^^