>.< I completely forgot about this today. Edit: Did this even happen? Looking at the TS log I saw no one join that channel at 8. Code: <20:06:57> Channel group "Guest (8)" was assigned to "Ronin" by Xen of Onslaught ({x}). <20:07:03> "Ronin" switched from channel "Supported Games" to "Group Circle-Jerk Orgy" <20:07:03> Channel group "Officer (6)" was assigned to "Ronin" by Xen of Onslaught ({x}). <20:07:14> "Threatdown" disconnected (leaving) <20:07:48> "Ronin" switched from channel "Group Circle-Jerk Orgy" to "Game Room 3" <20:07:48> Channel group "Guest (8)" was assigned to "Ronin" by Xen of Onslaught ({x}). <20:13:38> "Ronin" switched from channel "Game Room 3" to "Group Circle-Jerk Orgy" <20:13:38> Channel group "Officer (6)" was assigned to "Ronin" by Xen of Onslaught ({x}). <20:14:16> "Rowl" switched from channel "AFK" to "Actually playing BC2 channel" <20:14:16> Channel group "Guest (8)" was assigned to "Rowl" by Xen of Onslaught ({x}). <20:15:35> "LotusX" was added to server group "Member (7)" by "Fox". <20:15:44> "dash 8:15" appears, coming from channel "Xenate Meeting" <20:15:44> Channel group "Guest (8)" was assigned to "dash 8:15" by Xen of Onslaught ({x}). <20:15:48> "Rowl" left, was moved to channel "Xenate Meeting" by "Kinetic Medic" <20:15:52> "dash 8:15" left heading to channel "Xenate Meeting" <20:17:31> "LotusX" was moved from channel "Officer Chat" to "Group 3" by "Xerxeszzzzz" <20:17:31> Channel group "Guest (8)" was assigned to "LotusX" by Xen of Onslaught ({x}). <20:17:33> "Xerxeszzzzz" switched from channel "Officer Chat" to "Group 3" <20:17:33> Channel group "Officer (6)" was assigned to "Xerxeszzzzz" by Xen of Onslaught ({x}). <20:17:34> "Fox" switched from channel "Officer Chat" to "Group 3" <20:17:34> Channel group "Guest (8)" was assigned to "Fox" by Xen of Onslaught ({x}). <20:17:49> "Fox" switched from channel "Group 3" to "Officer Chat" <20:17:50> Channel group "Guest (8)" was assigned to "Fox" by Xen of Onslaught ({x}). <20:17:57> "Xerxeszzzzz" switched from channel "Group 3" to "Officer Chat" <20:17:57> Channel group "Officer (6)" was assigned to "Xerxeszzzzz" by Xen of Onslaught ({x}). <20:18:42> "Xamiazi" connected <20:19:25> "Xamiazi" switched from channel "General Waiting Room" to "Group Circle-Jerk Orgy" <20:19:25> Channel group "Guest (8)" was assigned to "Xamiazi" by Xen of Onslaught ({x}). <20:20:57> "Kinetic Medic" was added to server group "Member (7)" by "TheBerch". <20:21:00> "Rowl" was added to server group "Member (7)" by "TheBerch". <20:22:05> "Eliana" switched from channel "Quiet/AFK Room" to "General Banter" <20:22:05> Channel group "Guest (8)" was assigned to "Eliana" by Xen of Onslaught ({x}).
Still stuck on the work laptop so I won't be able to make it tonight. Hopefully there will be discussion on what possible games XoO is looking to support in the near future so we can narrow the focus a bit. Will the meeting be available for download for those unable to attend?
All the meetings are recorded for your later enjoyment. You never know who gets their kicks from what ya know.
I just want to thank everyone who showed up to the meeting. At one point we had 50 members attend, with many attending for 10 minutes or so.
I caught the tail end of it, "raced' home from work to try to make it. I made it, sort-of. Will listen to Q's 400gig recording whenever it is done.
I'm at work right now but I have re encoded the almost 2GBs wave down to a 54MB MP3. I didn't have time to upload it to the forums before I left but it is downloadable from the TS3 community meetings channel. Right click the channel and click open file browser and enjoy all 2 hours and 45 minutes of it.
EDIT: To listen to the recording -- Right click the channel "Community Meeting Recordings Channel" In Teamspeak and click open file browser and enjoy all 2 hours and 45 minutes of it. Each meeting is labeled so make sure you select the correct option.
Any chance for it to be uploaded somewhere? I can't install anything on the work laptop which is my only PC at the moment.