I went to 4chan enough to check it out..felt sad for the kiddies there...and I felt dirty afterward..like I had been down in a sewer. But kids think its cool...if they can be mature enough to handle it..well no harm done. some are not..and will be socially warped...they will be 40 before they learn how to behave in rl... I see it here in this forum....people saying things they would never say in rl, at least not without consequence.
Yer I mean ultimately a place like that shouldn't exist but even if they removed 4chan the retarded kids would just find somewhere else. At least on 4chan its moderated reasonably well.
hmm i think ill hop on by and see if there are any good backgrounds up there, and 420chan. are there any others?
I would be the exception. Anything I post here I would gladly say in in rl. Also, anything I post on 4chan I would gladly tell anyone. Unlike most people I really don't give a crap what people think of me and I don't try to hide the things that some would call embarrassing. This actually really drives my family crazy. But oh well.
I love the amount of good wallpapers you can get at 4chan. There are some nice sections there. You just have to be prepared for the worst xD
Yeah that is true. I don't go to 4chan often since I really don't feel the need to. To each their own I suppose. As for the obsession over this child, it wouldn't be the first or last time this would have happened. Remember the Olsen twins? 'Nuff said.
so true...what ever happened to the olsen twins phenom? oh yea..they turned 18 and pedobear dont go there