Man i love shrimp as much as the next buy but.... idk if it belongs on a pizza with that other stuff.... that's just nassssssssty.
I stopped thinking about making one after I saw the shrimp ..... but there was a brief moment when I was wondering if I had any ham in the frige check the bottom of the menu. I saw two guys doing the challenge one night. It was kinda disturbing. Best pizza, is a BBQ chicken near my place. That and the place delivers beer/liquor.
Back in high school I made a Frankenstein dinner... it was something like this... first layer was a BBQ chicken pizza (i think it was 12") second layer had 1.5 pounds of ground beef. third layer had caramelized onions fourth layer had mushrooms sauteed in butter fifth layer had about 2 chopped red bell peppers sixth layer had jalapeno jack cheddar cheese seventh layer had swiss cheese eighth layer of swiss cheese ninth layer of more bbq sauce tenth layer of pineapples eleventh layer had another BBQ chicken pizza upside down put that shit in at 300 degrees for 20 minutes and then 375 for another good 40~ minutes. I'm not sure if there were french fries in one of the layers.... but anyways, after five people ate from it, there was still almost a quarter of it left. I had to finish that quarter over a week. shit was fuckin epic though.
ya okay tbh, i wud eat that except that it would probably kill me... even with the mayo it still looked ok cept for the egg. that was a little much