AVP Aliens vs Predator 2010

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Kayno, Dec 21, 2009.

  1. AKADoshan

    Aug 23, 2009
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    Will do ^^

    BTW I'm a little annoyed by the fact that (noob)predators tend to stick to certain spots and just stay there and range kill everybody and have the balls to brag about it.
    Then again if I face them on even level and they manage to miss their lazer or disc, its one smack to the ribs and a shotgun to the face, double barreled ^^

    I fucking love playing Marine... I used to be pissed about having poor melee abilities but if you time it right, you can actually knock them off the ceiling, whilst charging into you and even if they try to flee or run past you, smash your ALT button (or mouse 3) and then you actually knock the bastards down and I can greet them with either a shotgun or just my bare fists.

    Anyone managed to get some decent kills with the flamethrower? That thing was already a bit off in singleplayer but my experiences with it in multiplayer are just horrible.
  2. Kayno

    Sep 25, 2009
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    security at a bio/viral lab. Dont know what they a
    The Netherlands
    Headbite, slashing tails, scratching claws, i'm a freaking alien, i'm loving it. btw if you wanna hunt, survive or prey with me [XOO] Kayno my steam name. :D
  3. Awordofcaution

    Mar 16, 2009
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    doshan, most of my pred kills are with claws. that and i do love throwing the disk past someone intentionally, they get smug and charge in, i heavy hit them for the stun and the disk gets the kill on the return XD had a 3 kills one disk moment the other day and the 3rd kill was on the guy who snuck up behind me and stealth killed me... he got a returning disk to the face half way thru his kill animation.

    oh and dropping proxy mines on the disk spawns is hella fun in mixed TDM or DM.... watching those nub preds scrambling for the easy kill weapon only get blown up by my mines.

    best round so far, 4v4, the other 3 in my team either quit or got connection failed when the round started, i came out on top with 26 kills and an 11 kill streak, thing with the disk if its easy kills with nubs, wait till you come up against someone who is actually good with it :D anyone can throw a disk at a guy 3 feet away, takes skill to decapitate the xeno trying to heavy attack you AND the marine 50 meters away trying to pick you both off. damn i love this game!

    oh and the marines melee abilities are not that bad, as a marine i can pretty effectively take out a xeno with a quick block, counter, pulse rifle/shotty blast to the face. marine block stun is really strong. although i do massively suck with marines, so its 50/50 if i actually get to do this or just die horribly.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2010
  4. AKADoshan

    Aug 23, 2009
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    Good to hear mate ^^

    I think my best score in a round must have been 24 kills and a kill streak of 12 as marine, but thats only because some nubs thought they could just charge in with a heavy attack! Marine counter is very strong if you time it right with an enemy's heavy attack because you basically charge into them, and if you timed it right, you can actually knock them away before their heavy attack animation is finished :D

    Predators can be a bit annoying with their disk and plasma gun, but lately I managed to dodge the plasma attacks and then just gun them down because they usually stand still thinking "wtf did I get him?"

    That disc is still a pain though ;_;.

    Kayno is just ridicilous as xeno. If we work together I usually act as bait and he just sneaks up to them and banzai!

    Really hope some more XOO's start to play this game. Haven't seen Kazzier online so far :(
  5. Employee

    Feb 13, 2010
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    I got a few questions.. first one being - did you buy the game and are playing official MP or are you using Hamachi or some other means for pirated gameplay?

    How does the official MP system work? I assume you all obught it :) .. does it have servers you connect to from a list, do you have a simple "match search" like in the demo? Or did they implement something mroe advanced?

    What's the support for playing with friends like? Is there "join a friend" option? Reason I'm asking, most of my guys from work and me are planning to go for it as soon as we hear good reviews :)

    Lastly - balance? Are the classes balanced well? Or is it like - <input class> owns?

    ty :)
  6. Awordofcaution

    Mar 16, 2009
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    @ doshan, im best with alien although i do prefer pred, alien just suits my playstyle. back in cod 4/5 i used to do nothing but charge arround knifing people, usually coming out in the top 3 for kills without ever firing a shot. learn the maps like the back of your hand and at any given point if you see a guy a few rooms away you will know the best way to get to him quickly and without him seeing you and thats half the job done :) speed, aggression and precision is key to alien. but i find pred a much more rewarding role, pick the right tools for the right job and pick your moments :)


    the MM system is the same as the demo one pretty much. theres a random MM that just assigns someone as host and you can decide to host a game and invite people/see who joins. but they promiced ded servers soon, so fingers crossed we wont be waititng too long for it. by the sounds of a post they made its likely ded servers are going thru in house testing right now.
  7. AKADoshan

    Aug 23, 2009
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    You can invite friends to join your group, then either start a lobby or look for a quick match, or just select a filter with the type of gameplay you want to do at that point.
    So you can start a group and look for games in short. :)

    The balance? I think its well balanced. If you're a good player, you will own, no matter what you play. Sure, it might feel cheap if an alien or predator sneaks up on you and 1 button kills you (aka a stealth kill) but keep in mind that they are locked in a 4-5 second animation and most likely get killed while in the animation. The better players avoid this tactic, making it a much more interesting battle!

    The only thing left me disappointed is the few maps so far. Nothing wrong with the current maps, but wtb the Bar map :p That would be so insane to me. clubbin' while tearing the place apart.

    And I hope they add some downloadable models later ^^ wouldn't mind playing one of those combat droids, of even a female marine. and gief that predator/alien abomination you have to fight in the last campagne mission of predators O.O
  8. Awordofcaution

    Mar 16, 2009
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    also if you find you get stealth killed alot, watch your back more :p
  9. AKADoshan

    Aug 23, 2009
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    Got used to that, I usually turn around when my radar gives me less then 10 meter warnings, but the true problem I'm facing sometimes are predators charging into me with a heavy attack, followed by another heavy attack. Very hard to stop that if I don't realize fast enough he's charging in with a heavy attack, its game over man!

    And it seems there are some really skilled players out there... met a predator that was personally hunting me, that was annoying :p But he was good and our score was about the same.

    And ofcourse there are some dickwads playing too, pointing and laughing at you or swear at you when you duo people in team DM. What? You get pissed because two clanmembers of XOO duo you? Oh noes! TEAMWORK?! unacceptable! :p

    I think at one point me and kayno survived an onslaught of 3 aliens and 2 predators that came charging into us ^^