-AoC-for those that didnt know AoC Free 7 days trial

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by ReyVagabond, Apr 15, 2009.

  1. Bear Shaman, Priest of Mitra, or Tempest of Set. These are the healer classes and they pwn PvP and PvE.... yeah >_>, that's the main reason I quit before. The PvP/PvE director had his head up his ass.
  2. the guild is playing in Tyranny, and ill start a demo alt named Chakahl.

    the Heralt of xolti is extremly fun and cool melee class, assassin are realy good in the end game but its hard to get there.
    all the healers rule AoC.

    Conquerors are a hard but one of the most powerfull classes to play in end game pvp.
    Dark templar untill 1.05 hits are kinda Under powerd

    guardian are the standar tank and they are good all aroud.

    Barbs are realy strong in <50 but then they become harder and harder to master but if you do they can be a realy fun class

    Necro rule! they are one of the strongest classes all aroud grate for farming.
    and in the end the Demos cool class has potential to do grate damage but they are harder to play.

    ill say for some one just starting a HoX, or Conqueror
    if you like healing any class will do fine but Bear shaman are melee and you will sufer <15
    i lvoe my barb. i realy do can i say its my favorite so far.
    or necro if you like mages
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2009
  3. Nishua

    Nishua Veteran

    I'll be playing this weekend. I'm going to try to rebuild our ranks. Maybe we can get things up in running again. I don't want to stress myself out of the game again. So I will be playing with the goal of advancing through the end game and exploration.
  4. good to hear nish, we right now have desided to not recruite untill we finish some of the t3 buildings.
    and we are are on our way there, after that we where planing on absorbing other small guilds and recruit like crazy lol.

    but i think if you want to start the proses, we will be glad, but we want to have fun playing the game and not to over stress about things not working out with new members, or people that are not commited to XoO,
  5. Nishua

    Nishua Veteran

    That's cool with me. What time do you guys usually log on?
  6. Crae

    Crae Veteran Crowfall Member

    I miss camping spawn points with my assassin.... good times...good times....
  7. Norrak

    Norrak Veteran

    Got a few questions...

    1- Is there any "welcome back" trial yet where players can re-activate their accounts temporarily and see what changed?

    2- How many members of XoO are currently playing?

    Been looking for an MMO while waiting for Champions Online, I played AoC until level 24 or something when it came out but my computer sucked a bit too much and the lag was annoying so I stopped. I heard they changed a lot of things and the game is quite decent now... and I have a new computer :p

    Could be fun.
  8. im not sure if there is a insentice yet, but ill not know i havent search for it, you coud search the aoc forum

    and yeah the game is much more stable right now its like night and day, and with a good pc the game looks amazing
  9. ok we are playing rigth now any one that want to join us send me a tell
  10. Norrak

    Norrak Veteran

    Forgot to answer this question ;)

    2- How many members of XoO are currently playing? And how often does everyone play?
  11. right now 5 pleople taht play every day...

    and in weekends we play from 8am till 2 mp. ets
  12. Nishua

    Nishua Veteran

    Sorry I couldn't make it guys. I did end up playing on Sunday instead of Saturday. Got my Guardian up to level 35. I won't be on this week but starting next week I will start playing more frequently. Until then everyone take care.
  13. I couldn't make it either, :(

    I had to take care of a few things...GRR >< I'll try to be on next weekend.
  14. to bad.

    in the end we did atzel fortress, i love that dungeon. it was easy and fun.

    so lets hope you long in next week so we can do new and better stuff.
  15. Meemo

    Meemo Guest

    Because I only have a 20GB monthly transfer limit before my ISP cuts my internet speed for the rest of the month*, so I had to wait till today (last day of the billing period) to download the trial.

    I download it using Funcom's downloader. The download finished fine, then I made a mistake: I assumed that because I was using their downloader, that it would download an up to date client.

    So I left it alone for a few hours before starting up the client. Then when I did start it up, I find that I need to download at least another 3.5GB just to get to the login screen. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get that done before I go to bed**, and I'm not risking this download carrying over into next months traffic.

    So if I'm lucky I'll be able to see you in game tomorrow, otherwise I'll have to wait another month.

    *Though they sometimes take a few days to actually cut the speed.
    **The download is currently going slower than it should be. But not slow enough to say that my ISP has cut my speed.
  16. good to know, yeah AoC is a BIG game and the Patches are also big.

    did i mentioned that it took me aroud 8 hour to do a install from the DVD.
    man those 6 gigas patches are a bitch!

    lets see you in game soone!
  17. Meemo

    Meemo Guest

    When you say big patches, how much do I have to download in patches each month ?
  18. If anyone wants an 80 conq I can give you my account.
  19. usualy not much. a fix here and there.

    but the 1.05 patch to be lunched in the end of the month it will be aroud 500 to 2.000 megas.

    its a content patch!
  20. BuzzBuzzYolk

    BuzzBuzzYolk Veteran

    I miss AoC. I suppose this doesn't let me reactivate my old account for 7 days? One of the main reasons I want to play AoC again is the fact that I invested so much in whorled leather that last time I checked, I'd have been able to buy about 2-3 armored horses (or whatever they're called).

    Anyone know the average price of whorled leather nowadays at the auction house? I know when I bought them they were 5 silver and last time I checked many months ago they were about 75 silver.