America's Army 3 People?

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by PhoenixDog, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. If you look at my image on page one, thats the steam path. If you pointed it up to the America's Army 3 folder, you did fine I believe!
    Still having issues though?
    edit: actually now that I think about it, I think everyone has issues with connection to any PB servers. I think we've just not been playing on PB enabled servers.
  2. yea, I believe I updated it fine. I pointed it to the PB folder in AA3. I think its just PB servers are screwed.
  3. u r u z

    u r u z Veteran

    When I launch AA3 from steam a dos window opens stating "Program too big to fit in memory".

    Any thoughts? I have 2GB of ram.. too low??
  4. Weird. You only have 2 gigs? noob...
  5. lol
    but I didn't think that 2 gigs would be too small to run it.
  6. It's not. I think its a corrupted install.
  7. Baylian

    Baylian Guest

    Ya try reinstalling it. 2gb is enough.
  8. xRecon

    xRecon Guest

    I'd play this with you guys, except I haven't been able to play AA since I used to play the original one with Xen.....