The question should be is it immersive in the gameplay or will it break you out of it. If it fits into the game world then I am for it, animated, audio or whatever. In GTA 4 if the adds on the radio between songs were real ads mized with fake ads and still had style and humor to it, I wouldn't mind it. What would annoy me is say a WoW or Warhammer quest reward that gives you Nike boots of speed or Toyota Camery edition Great Axe of smiting. Just like product placement in movies, like I can remember seeing the Coke ad in Bladerunner, I remember chuckling at the product placement, but it worked in the film. In racing, sports games set in a modern setting, its perfectly fine. I agree in fallout 3 if there were ads it should be post-apoc looking. Adds from today burns and destroyed, but the product placement would still be there. OOHHH, lets have a burned and melted billboard with Paris Hilton, or Brittney Spears so we can see them deformed, hehe.
its the future..many mmo coming out will have product placement..its going on in It irked us older people..the next generation thinks nothing of seeing the fav tv star drink a poweraid...I cringe.
from the point of having adds in WoW or WAR then i think it should be an option in your account management that you can turn on and off whenever you like, as far as the adds in the game i would think about the only place it would be acceptable would be in quest text, emotes or a % of the loading screens the quest log one would be something like *NPC drinks a red bull after running for some time* but still this is a little much
Weren't there supposed to be ads in BF2142??? I don't recall ever seeing any in game and I played quite a bit. Then again I suppose I might have been too wrapped up in the action to pay attention to anything rather than killing someone.
There are some billboards in the game but I think they just have made up things on them no real advertisements I might be wrong though