that's what i thought If anyone's bored of their beta i'd be more than happy to put my paws on it, probably for a very short period unfortunately.
F2P is WAAY more expensive. I will try out the open beta and if it's fun, I'll buy it and play until something better comes along.
Actually from what I hear the RvR in TESO is mechanically better and stable compared to Wv3 in GW2. Honestly I think the pricing is absurd for this game, but I have friends that want to play it... I'm picking it up just to have something to play with people.
Over the course of three years playing wow I spent about 300 dollars on gold, expansions and the like. Over the course of one year playing planetside 2 I spent about 600 dollars on in game station cash. Those are honest numbers too and while I cant be a bit spend happy it's pretty obvious which model costs me most I will try to avoid F2P games in the future. I pray eso doesn't go that route.l
You aren't alone. Cash shop games have been shown to be so much more profitable it is a wonder people still think subscription games have a higher quality in post-launch production and server maintenance. I'll play a good game under either model personally. When it comes to subscription games, at least the only way they have to get additional money from me is trying to get me to bundle a few months ahead or something.
Well color me a sucker then. I don't want anyone to have any advantage over me in any game. I feel gaming should be like NASCAR, all games being equal and the gamer being the variable. I don't like it when someone can pay to get a performance edge. It makes me feel like I need to pay for that same performance edge. Color me a sucker, but I dont want to lose because some twerp had more cash to drop than I did. With the above being said if it's a cash shop for esthetic things I couldn't give a shit less. As long as they don't gain XP faster than me or have a sharper sword or can travel faster etc etc I don't care. I couldn't give a shit less if they have fancy pink armor with sparklies on their sword hilt and big flaming wings. They can pay for that all day long and I don't care. I also don't care if a reasonable charge is instituted for name or server changes. I figure if you want to move bad enough or if you named your character twinkletoes and want to undo that you should have to pay for it. All in all I HATE THE FTP (micropay) system and welcome a sub based game that will equal the playing (paying) field.
I get what you are saying... but isn't NASCAR (like a lot of sports in general) P2W too? At least to the same extent many people will point the finger at a typical MMO with a cash shop? I get that it was only an analogy, I just kind of laugh when sports are used as an example for how E-sports should be as sports have been doing this for a lot longer than gaming. Sponsoring exists in both, which pays for the good equipment and supplies, which also helps attract and buy out better players anyway. Money very often leads victory. Off topic I know, but we are already off topic anyway as ESO won't have a shop. I just never really look at these kinds of competitions as fair to begin with.