13 year olds kills himself after being told he can't play Wii

Discussion in 'News and Current Events' started by BobFromMarketing, Jun 27, 2008.

  1. Seth_Almighty

    Seth_Almighty Veteran

    Personally, I was never spanked and I think I turned out pretty well. Although that doesn't mean I got off scott-clear when I did something wrong; instead of spankings my parents would just make me do more work around the house than I already had to and because my parents are divorced it was double the fun.

    Anyway, I do know plenty of kids that would probably have benefited from a few spankings. *cough* mostly from private schools *cough*

    No disrespect to private school kids out there. Just my experiences. : P
  2. Note to self: Never throw temper tantrum, with a tie on, next to a bunk bed.
  3. Torin

    Torin Guest

    You're right. Spanking just for the sake of spanking accomplishes nothing. You also shouldn't spank your kids while you are mad, IMHO that is beating not spanking.

    That was my first impession.