Just thought I'd show a video of my two mates showing off their love of stella. Let me know what you think...
That's wicked dude cheers for that!
By the way that lime avatar is fucking sick
If you got time anything with a Question mark in would be cool. I'm not very fussy :)
Cheers guys
Been playing LoL for literally a few days, played dota for about 6 months though so pretty versed on the dynamics of it but getting used to not...
I'm not very good at these aps, plus was a XoO member for 2 years before, you gotta be a nice guy to survive 2 year :)
And I thought I was going to have a productive summer
Hi XoO I used to be an officer for the Guild Wars division of Xen Of Europe(IGN was Calix), used to arrange GvGs and write up match reports...