already spoke with veslav i'll be glad to talk with you tonight I've already been invited to the guild and followed all required steps.. prolly be...
One of the fellas in the TS sever helped me out a bit today (Thanks; Veslav) but i do not know what more to put into the application.. I work a...
well here, I don't have much to add to anything other than why i chose XoO. I put alot into the success of our team when we toured in BF2. I...
umm is your ts super duper private or can I get in?
srsly? Like what kind of info do you need? I was formerly a member, I don't think anymore info would really be required.. I play BF3 I like...
FPS DivisionHow old are you? 25 What game(s) are you applying for?BF3 (Competitive) Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes Previous Gaming...
Star Wars:TOR ApplicationHow old are you? 25 In-Game Name? Afu Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your primary class? (Sith Only)...
yeah tell him im here to fly helicopters.. yes I did mean where the fuck lol.. how about PDOG? rowl is there a list of all you guys somewhere.. lol.
cool i'll check it out, but wtf is dash?
used to play bf2 back in the day for this clan, wondering if you guys played bf3 since im now going to be building a gaming system again.....