TERA (NA) ApplicationHow old are you? 21 In-Game Name? Lose Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your primary class? Lancer Why did...
Do I get to play Kit in poker and take all her credits ?
TERA Online ApplicationHow old are you? 19 In-Game Name? Lose Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your primary class? Ranger Why...
Today I got My GED ( says high school school ) in the mail and my monitor broke in the morning but the problem was a bad capacitor; I'm lazy so i...
the nice commercials invite alot of buyers
I pretty much took my desktop wallpaper cut Balmung out past on something i found on Google did some blurring here and there and uh put some...
Did they ever make a new season for that? lol
Yeah I'll take it into notice for the next Sig I make :D thanks for the comments
Yeah I pretty much didn't know how to do ne thing I was getting frustrated when I couldn't get a character to paste onto a background. I just went...
So do you like or do you hate it :D
Made my first signature for a forum last night using Gimp. Just wondering on thoughts on how it looks and tips on how to make things look cooler
See I thought this would be like an actual game I could play at work Click the link since I am at work and saw the words "Maze" ...
So when do I get to see these in a Local Wal-Mart
I have never seen a zombie's series I hope they make a dvd for it soon after the launch because i don't have a TV lol.. Love zombies
Wesker and how he fits in the story is the only thing that's making me go watch this
1. Age (18+ Requirement): 19 2. In-Game Name: Lose 3. Current Class: Gladiator 4. Level (Suggested Req. of 45): 50 5. Do you have...