@#$! I could have been a veteran
Cool, thanks for the info on that. Do you think it's worth holding off given that I'm really not going to need the new computer until later this year?
When does Intel / AMD typically release their new products? If its 2-3 months, I probably should wait, right?
Awesome, thanks for putting this together, Enigma. I'll have to take some time to review it all but this should help a lot and is about where I...
I'm really in no hurry at all. The next set of games I'll be playing don't really come out until later this year (BF3, SWTOR) so I'm actually...
I really know nothing about building a gaming system but have done a little bit of reading around on the web. I was hoping to share what I've...
Grats! What are their roles?
Not everything worth doing is easy. Glad it's done now.