Well the Closed Beta ended and the open one will start soon... (Well the time hasn't started yet anyway). As it stands I think this is my MMO......
its pretty much kinda like wow. auto attacks and what not. cool downs on your bar etc etc. just its pretty fun to be able to change your dynamic...
http://edeneternal.aeriagames.com/ The above is basically the link, as of right now its in closed beta... but I got an email and joined in on a...
10 days to the marathon, and just felt like hopping this to the top. I do hope to see some XoO'ers there.
The website main page of speed demos archive now includes the banners and the count down to the marathon!
in case you get bored of online interactions... I suggest La Mulana (freeware, japanese, easy to get search), Cave Story, Ragnarok Battle...
It'll be on ustream, but we also configure the Http://www.speeddemosarchive.com homepage to show the streams have the chat wired in. We did that...
[IMG] <<<Click the Banner to get to the marathon details>>> Can't wait? There is now a count down timer!" Okay, I don't know how much everyone...
1. Age (18+ Requirement): 22 2. In-Game Name (Summoner Name): RaneofSoTN 3. Do you have TeamSpeak3 and a mic?: Yes I have TeamSpeak 3, and a...