I don't really like EA or Activision, but out of the 2 I definitely prefer EA.
I got in.
WQKbolMVLwk I'm pretty sure 90% of those were guys but it's hard to tell since some of them had boobs. Like that first Asuka her face screamed...
Prepare to Die: http://preparetodie.com KHC24VapQ5E
Cool, thanks Enigma! :D
It's an AM2 socket, The mobo that died: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128081 The replacement:...
Saw this on 4chan a while ago... didn't think it was going to work lol.
Don't have a job atm. I live in a really rural area and there isn't many places close to me. So finding a job isn't exactly easy. I have a 8800GTS...
/me wished he didn't live on the other side of the country
The sub is actually the major downfall to PSN, since there isn't one there is no support. You can't report people, so now that the system is open...
<3 I don't think I've ever saw that one. I love how quiet it is in these videos. I don't go to concerts ever because I don't like how it's so loud. :p
My favorite music :D if you liked that just search youtube Miku-san is all over. Here's one of my favorites. g1Dqb6uJ8WY I was... :( here's a...
Alright, so lets start at the beginning. Geohot figures out how to bypass the security of the PS3 that Sony put millions of dollars into. Sony...
Agree'd I would love to play this game, but with all of the games that have been announced coming out in the next few months I'm not sure. I don't...
He pointed that out and they said that they are already aware of that. Here's the video where the modding question is asked. It's answered at...
The longer you watch it... the worse and more confusing it gets... believe it or not the beginning makes the most sense.