Well I suppose I posted this too late because they are already out of stock on newegg, but for those of you that were waiting for it......
I reformatted my computer and just been busy with holiday stuff, sorry. I was just looking for opinions and ideas about it because it is something...
I have been starting to looking liquid cooling of my CPU and GPU... does anyone have a system that is liquid cooled or has built one before?
EniGmA1987, What is your profession? Just wondering because you seem to be knowledgeable because it pertains to your profession or you do a lot...
I still have a feeling it may just be a limitation of the current HDMI cables... Do all current 3D monitors use a Dual-Link DVI? If not... I am...
As far as I have ever seen and read about the debates between these two companies I pretty much have come to the same conclusion as you. Also...
[IMG] A picture of my LG 3D TV trying to force 1080p@60Hz 3D of Portal 2.
I am pretty bored and would like to hear some peoples opinions on these two different graphics cards companys. I have always stuck with NVIDA...
As far as any demo tablet I have used and seen in stores nothing compares to my iPad 2. Its all personal preference though...
I believe that there is a HDMI 1.4b that came out in October that is able to produce the 1080p@60Hz@3D I was just looking for some opinions and...
The TV is a passive polarized 3D which is the type of 3D used in movie theaters. The software's support is strictly limited to a handful of TVs...
I recently got a LG Television (47LW5300) and had planned on using Nvidia's 3D Play to occasionally play a couple games on my television for fun....
BM hasn't been an acceptable raid tree since BC. Everyone who raids should know this no matter what class you are.
As far as those two talents go Elemental Warding is worthless in a PvE situation in my opinion. Shamans have the lowest base health of any other...
I was looking at your talents and I was wondering... Why do you have [Elemental Warding] rather than [Convection]?
I was looking are your talents and I noticed a couple things that should be changed at least in my opinion, but I never really played a elemental...
As far as your gear again and only being allowed to only roll on mail gear there are still other options for you. For Example: Also obviously...
I am very confused by your gear the majority of it is restoration gear, but gemmed somewhat for elemental. Although, you have some elemental...
He just faction changed to alliance...
As far as your talents go for sure you should drop that one point in Necrosis which is useless for you. Also I would drop the talents in...