I have changed a couple things around that I believe might be better and is still about the same price (with rebates)....
I tried both the iAtkos and the UniBeast All-in-One Bootable USB with no success. I was able to install it fairly easy, but kept running into...
No luck. I am just going to wait until I get the new MacBook Air when they are released and sell my iPad 2. I was planning on doing that anyways,...
I had it installed for a little, but I started having issues with some of the kexts so I was going to re-install and try again, but now after I...
I just started trying to get iAtkos L2 (Lion 10.7.2) to work since I have to wait for my brother to send the flash drive. I get to the boot screen...
Nope :(. Shitty luck the copy of Lion I had made from my brothers computer ended up getting corrupted, but he is going to send me a flash drive...
Okay. I will report back with my results as well in about a week for the reason I stated in a previous post. Thanks for all advice and everything...
I don't want to do it that way anyways I just figured it was worth mentioning since a couple people I have seen suggested that. It seems like a...
I'll definitely let you know how it ends up, but it might be a little bit because I am going away this weekend to visit my brother. He is the one...
I don't really have a problem with the fact that the OS X Lion install might mess up my Windows 7 install. I just want to be sure that it will not...
I have been considering getting my current computer to try an get it to dual boot OsX and Windows 7 which I have seen people have success with it...
I was wondering if anyone has built a Hackintosh and would like to share their experiences with it?
There is to many awesome cases it appears >.<.
Okay, well I guess I am just going to stick with the OCZ RevoDrives. I have another question though... I am also looking into replacing my HAF 912...
Yeah its a pretty good drive I just hate how it constricts the airflow of both my second GPU and my PSU based on were I have to place it... I...
Okay now I am confused... Why not use the SATA III? Is it just because they use a Marvell Controller? I thought it was only with the Sandforce it...
I have a question... is Sandforce still really unstable? I am asking because I had been looking up drives for a couple weeks and was thinking...
Hello, I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for SSDs... I am currently looking to pick up two of them in the near future to Raid 0. I...
I think I spend too much time on reddit I was going to try and upvote...