i've posted on my isp forums on dslreports http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r22114545-NorthEast-Columbus-SLow-internet-at-nights#22114545 reading...
here are 2 trace routes, 1 to the ventrilo, the other to the cod4 server. Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops 1 1 ms...
what provider?
i was wondering if anyone in xoo has had or knows a lot about cable modems and nodes and amps would be willingly to help me with my problems as...
well, atleast the door is online and not in irl like some companies have closed doors.
question, what site is it trying to bring you too..... this may be helpful and finding the source file that keeps trying to throw your system to...
i personally don't trust that damn list.
there's a wake-up call...... no coffee required...
to qoute my english professor "PC's are pimpable, however Macs, u open the panel and your warranty is now worth toilet paper...." Mr. D Miller,...
funny, since this popped up.... their are 2 teachers in my area accused of this....
well, yeah true. i'm just glad my team doesn't have pink ass jerseys.... thats just ugly.. whether it's on a jersey or on a car as i have...
It is huge............................ GTX 260 10 inches long. i'll take a picture of it in my system when i install it and my psu friday.......
thats real good, and it's true... i eat subway like for breakfast and lunch on non school days. i know... it depends on the person making it though.
Should i get this little puppy since it's modular.... http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817702012 i could use that bestbuy...
So what did u decide cox??? just wondering.
I'm jealous!!!!!!!! but i will say, that would keep me up some nights....... i have trouble getting to sleep without meds...
5 Columbus players got suspend for a combined total of 16 games.......
My team = to columbus.(Blue) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ku_GUgLGMHQ this was caught. i'm ashamed of them..... can't they just play.