yea, it's 4 miles north of Fort Benning (US Army Post.)....
Ok, it's been one hell of a year in my area regarding the weather. We gone since January: In Columbus, Georgia. It's Been freezeing cold.......
your first 2 links are crap..... 1st is broken. 2nd brings up a page with source-coding all over it. PSD files suck!.....
ok, after going over this some more. i have come up with. Case: MB:...
as i have, have a backup, and then, have a backup for the backup for the secondary.. in others have 2-4 extra emails acc. on various sites. i have...
i signed up. just now.
Sry, i meant east coast not west. One thing that scares me more than anything else. Terrorist hijacking a LNG(Liquid Natural Gas Tanker) and...
I was just watching the news, CNN; about the Somali pirates who have taken an American capt. hostage.... WTF is wrong with the east coast of...
just get 1, the crt's are very bad for your eyes..... radiation.
maybe it's a database error. idk, as of march the 30th, all files on filefront will not be there. all operations are being suspended due to...
ok, wondering if anyone else has or is getting hawx. just bought it and dling right now. the file is like 6.75 GB. wow. that's HD porno there.....
ok, i got a tech to come out and he saw it do it at 9:15 pm est. and it's being turned over to maintenance. a-men.
bASTARDS...... the only good thing about (when) working at a tv station, they don't block anything. they however look for stuff like porn....
Tracing route to [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms 2 23 ms 18 ms 17 ms...
ok, i like the case, but it's a little heavy on price but the i7 downgrade is ok. buddy, ult. rules prem. hell, i don't even know if i'll get...
idk, maybe i'll invest in a raptor hd, maybe only 74 gb.
done.. thx ef2.
after discussing stuff with esk the other day, about my gfx running hot (thats b/c the fan was auto adjusting) i would like a new rig. build my...