1. Are you or have you ever been a member of XoO ? Nope, never. 2. How old are you.? 12 3. What is your Battlefield Bad Company 2 IGN...
So my current mouse, that I have had since 2005 is about to die. Scroll wheel is not responding at times, and I think it is time to replace it....
So.. I have the collectors edition pre ordered from game stop.. which gives the same stuff as the collectors from Atari.. both are 80 bucks.....
Ok, so recently all of a sudden, my internet has been going super super slow. Like dial up slow. I go through the command line, and input...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhCJq7EAJJA&feature=PlayList&p=C1BAFAC5DF2A7E2E&index=46&playnext=10&playnext_from=PL What... the... fuck... lol...
I just got a beta key for HoN. Actually looks a bit decent, so I may check it out. Anyone else in the beta let me know.