[IMG] Hey XoO, last week two members of the Xenate, myself and Dash, were interviewed by two interviewers from Fragcast, TriggerPappy and...
Hey, I was just wondering if you're able to run blu-ray files on a laptop. I downloaded Avatar on blu-ray, .mkv file, and tried to run it through...
I laughed my ass off reading this. I want this prof for one of my classes!...
[img] Hey guys, we will be having a meeting on April 22 at 930PM EST. For those of you who are new to XoO, or who missed the meetings in the...
1. Are you or have you ever been a member of XoO ? Yep 2. How old are you.? 20 3. What is your Battlefield Bad Company 2 IGN ? Brownmccoy...
Ok, so since the new year I've beaten these two games (for the 360) and figured I'd write a half ast review. Assassin's Creed 2 This was my...
Just happened upon this gem. I love it when kharma repays people in this manner....
On behalf of everyone in Xen of Onslaught, we'd like to wish you happy holidays and a prosperous new year! [img]
Not sure of its legitimacy, I just got it emailed to me. AN ACTUAL CRAIG'S LIST PERSONALS AD To the Guy Who Tried to Mug Me in Downtown...
Pretty much post your top three movies/movie series of all time. I need more movies to watch instead of doing schoolwork! (and I'm certain others...
So when I went to see Zombieland a couple of weeks ago, and my friend brought up a very good question; if you were in a zombie appocolypse, who...
[img] Hey guys, We're planning on having a community meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 21 at 930PM (EST). Our intent for this meeting is to increase...
Miss Beatrice, the church organist, was in her eighties and had never been married. She was admired for her sweetness and kindness to all....
I just picked this game up today, and played for like a half hour or so. Had to stop due to my studies, but here is my input: The campaign, so...
Hey guys, after lots of people commented on my desktop images and asked for the original images, I decided that I'd make a folder on my...
I find these sort of things amusing, and figured some of you guys may find it amusing as well. Look at each picture, try to determine what it...
The Husband Store A store that sells new husbands has opened in New York City , where a woman may go to choose a husband. Among the...
I have often wondered when on forums and in game where people have gotten their name, or what it means. So, post it here. No further explanation...
So my sound driver decided to fail on me all of a sudden, and I have to re-add my sound drivers and such, which is leading me to ask this...
Its been like 2-3 years since I've played, and am going to start a new character once I reinstall, and I was wondering if anyone would be...