Are you asking if Drakein is a bot? He is a member of the TERA division.
"Sean_Graeme mugged you maliciously and stole 10 of gold. What do you want to do?" That is how you treat your "fellow comrades in arms?" Shame! :D
Just an update, during the hearing Justice Scalia said: "Some of the Grimm's Fairy Tales are quite grim, to tell you the truth" he said. "Are they...
Are you sure about the details? It sounds similar to
Listen to the following question: okmQNJOzpew [SPOILER] Please answer with well reasoned, thought out responses. Discuss! :D
"Atari and Cryptic's superhero-themed MMORPG picking up hybrid microtransaction/subscription model in early 2011; beta begins November 9."...
I hate to say it, but it may be time for you to upgrade your PC. :D
From: "During the 2010 Electronic Entertainment Expo, Interplay...
It will not take that much maintenance to keep it running smoothly. You have a valid point regarding activity, it would be pointless to run it...
Really? VOIP is nice, but it can't be used in every circumstance. Believe it or not IRC is not "too old school" and a lot of gamers still use it.
Old Video, but still a sweet costume. ToftbeqWMGQ
I offered to setup a XoO IRC network on a 100mbit connection. I prefer to have a dedicated XoO IRC network instead of using another network. If...
If this is true, I have to suspect that you are not properly maintaining your console(s).