Mmmmmmm...Tasty Trailer. [IMG]
CPU: [CPU] i5-4690k $175.99 USD ($199.99-$25 VISA Checkout) GPU: [GPU] PowerColor R9 280 + AMD Gold Reward $129.99 ($159.99 - $30 Rebate)... --------------------------------------- I figured I would...
I'll have to give that a shot this weekend. I haven't been on the TS in ages due to playing Destiny recently. My PC feels so unloved.
Urggghhhh so excited. I just can't contain it; so hyped for this game to go international. Plus I can even get my SO to play as well.
NC SOFT released Project HON Highlight Movie: [MEDIA] Lineage Eternal Dynamic Dungeon: [MEDIA] Lineage Eternal Vision Movie: [MEDIA]
Lineage Eternal Trailer: [MEDIA]
Nexon's Preview Video for upcoming games: [MEDIA]
Funny enough; Titan was going to be very similar to Destiny in a lot of ways. 3rd person in cities, FPS in combat. Collecting loot and whatnot.