Very nice; thanks for the older link as I haven't seen that. +1
Saw this a few days ago and while it looks nice, it isn't a good example of anything. Static room renderings are a very different ballgame...
CBT Footage: [MEDIA] Edit: Tons of these going up. There is different ones for different classes. GLORIOUS!
Last update (a bit ago) said they were aiming for international CBT testing during the summer of 2015.
CBT Started : D Soundtrack: It is soooooooo good.
Awesome CBT Preview Article:
*cast resurrection* Anyone playing anymore? I still have the XoO guild listed on my guilds but I am not even sure who has leadership of it...
“YouTube Recording OK” – GM Lesley Third Surprise FAQ GM Lesley just posted a third surprise FAQ. A lot of questions are covered in the latest...
Personal opinion: I am not sure. I am going to sit down and play some tonight since I bought it last night during the closing sale. Internet...
*slides in* Anyone pick up Endless Legends on the Steam sale?
Looking forward to Camelot Unchained (also a terribly biased backer) since I'll be able to play it this year due to alpha access. Hopefully will...
Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal. And a Happy New Year. [MEDIA]
Source:[1] Mon, December 29th to Sun January 11th is the CBT signup dates,...
I'd join. As for gaming; Black Desert; We might be waiting awhile considering it hasn't released in Korea. It took us almost 2-3 years to get...
Favorite poster of 2014 (list up to 6) (your favorite posters of 2013) Samjizz, Doxy, Kyoji, arcanmene Popularity award of 2014 (list up to 6)...
New KR Site: Awesome Music! Closed Beta is starting on Dec 22! HYPE : D
Anyone planning on playing Open Beta?
New Black Desert OBT Trailer: [MEDIA]
Interesting development.
New Black Desert OBT Video: [MEDIA]