Yesh Erock. You selling children's organs to pay for that rig?
I would suggest linking some of the beta/preview stream videos into the main post to help people get an idea of the gameplay. I imagine it is...
What is the word on new CPUs at the moment? I was thinking about replacing my OC'd FX6300 around 2015Q3 - 2016Q1. Are we expect new intel chips...
Depends. Between Crowfall, Camelot Unchained, and tons of other games I don't know if I see XoO playing a ton. It is still very early in...
Curious, did anyone here drop the megabucks for a land plot via founders?
Was pretty impressed when I opened the new letter and saw that picture. Not much of a creator/crafter in the Minecraft sense but I should give it...
There is always going to be cheating in these games but I doubt it will ever dominate the game. Typical bots aren't very great at PvP and support...
Been a backer since the kickstarter. Excited to play alpha later this week and finally have a good reason to bum around the TS again.
Source: "A life is like a garden....
Classes in founder packs....what?
As much as it is impressive to watch it is a truly douchebag move to race like this on public roads.
Well hopefully Alpha doesn't get delayed again (crosses fingers). Very excited to get into the game with all of you again. Plus I'll finally have...
What so bad about the combo system? It is only really used to stack might or grant stealth via blast effects nowadays.
Backed it for $30. It is always tempting to spend more but I am done spending a sum of money on Kickstarter for product that don't exist. Even...
Hesitant to give any side love right now until we see the complete class design for each. I do love some of the race designs for each faction so I...
I like the artstyle and web design. From the points you listed, color me interested. Signed up.
No PS4 here so I don't really care much but I'll be interesting to see how things resolve after the review embargo ends.
I think a big question is are they cutting the fat off or making a lean studio even leaner for profit driven motivation?
Riot - "Warrior Forever" -- Alpha Access
Backed it. I love classic RPGs and will continue to support their creation.