After looking around and everyone's suggestion I think I'll hold out to see the new Nexus refresh before making a choice. I tend to like a...
Looking finally to upgrade/replace my old S2 now that I have it completely paid off after many years of not giving a shit and finding it more than...
Welp. I am never going to buy this game without dedicated servers.
I will also be playing TTK on launch Sept 15 evening and most of the weekend of that week on X1. GT: HemingwayHeroes Hit me up.
If anyone is curious what each pack is worth, I have provided some basic information below based on typical F2P/B2P cash shop models: $15 USD for...
Played it back in Korean Open Beta. I had a thread in other games with a ton of screenshots...let me see if I can dig it out....nope (apparently I... Founders packs for Blade and Soul are available now. Pack pricing is kinda shit for the base/mid-tier...
Jesus fucking christ. Why....
Nobody is going to care. But I finally achieved Flawless Raider solo in Crota's End. Just need to do the damn clan achievements (plus ghost...
Game went open beta? Is it worth playing?
All the gameplay shown at E3 and in general looks awful. The art style doesn't help.
Which console are you on currently Tzepic?
Hmm? (You can see the price when you log...
I'll be playing it on Xbox 1. Currently I have every class to 34, most exotics collected, full elementals maxed, and my titan/warlock in full raid...
There is a thread in upcoming games or check out other games forum section. Tons of games in most people's backlogs as well to finish. I'll be...
Crowfall, CU, Blade and Soul. Honestly most of my time in the summer/fall season is going to be playing the GW2 expansion (or maybe the Destiny...
I'll likely play it but I doubt I would be anywhere close to invested in it since GW2 Expansion is likely to drop around the same time. Great game...
Played the KR open beta. Great game. I really enjoyed my time in it. Was really looking forward to a western release. 3 fucking years ago.
Welcome to engine development.
Congrats; good luck with Mythic difficulty. Got to hand it to the WoW guys, I think they are the only ones that have successful rebirthed a...