iCkYw3cRwLo A mashup of all the top youtube starts in 2012. Actually pretty cool. STARRING PSY - http://youtube.com/officialpsy Walk off the...
At some point it will no longer be praiseworthy of commenting on, yet ANOTHER triple capture of the 3 continents, but until then weeeeee! [IMG]...
What is a good monitor. I am looking to add one. I have two of them currently but one is smaller than the other and I don't like it. I want a 22"...
XoO, a member guild in the Vanu Alliance, participated today in a large and epic invasion of the 3 continents yesterday afternoon. We managed for...
jSdN2IPMiDM For those who have never seen it.
[IMG] 2012 Annual XoO Awards Please post your nominations below in the form of a reply to this thread. Copy/Paste the category then place...
[IMG] 2012 Annual XoO Awards Every year we at XoO participate in a special event that every member in XoO can participate and receive special...
3:20AM on day 1.5 XoO and the Vanu Sovereignty capture Esamir on US East Waterson server. This is the first map capture on the server. Good job to...
[IMG] WarZ is a MMORPG being developed that incorporates FPS gameplay with zombie exploration and PvP. Basically in a nutshell you spawn with...
Anyone have it want to play sometime? I mostly enjoy and play Commander myself.
Jormag's Champion downed. Was difficult as there wasn't a whole lot of people and few knew what they were doing but, it was defeated in the end....
A fun little browser game that I have been playing that is free. You can pay some money to ever so slightly speed things up but not by much so it...
Once again Xen of Onslaught wishes you guys a happy 4th of July. Try not to blow off any arms. :cool: [IMG]
[IMG] Just got bored. It has been a while since I made a XoO graphic, for various reasons, but I decided to mess around with crap on my day off.