I don't like your tweed sir... you'd best check this out: -KM
We have podcast sign!!!!! Terand and crew did this little one on the role of game developers in gaming communities. Here are your links:...
[IMG] So we have one week till the launch of FFXIV so it's high time we buckle down and figure out who is going to be playing this game. Per...
My PS3 is deaded... symptom: After a few minutes of running Video display freezes, colors displayed may change, and small pixel sized dots...
I'm grabbing it for PS3 and the end of the month, anyone else? I could use someone who can't out right kick my ass to practice against. -KM
[IMG] Today NCsoft has finally kicked off the long awaited server merges for Aion. Our server will be merging with three others. With any luck...
Hey folks! At long last the Podcast that was recorded back in ... Janurary I think is finally edited and ready for your perusal. This one's got...
Old members: Q. What XoO Divisions are you currently part of? A. Aion __ List atleast 3 other members who can vouch for you. 1....
The beginning of this week the NA division of Aion set forth two legion goals to accomplish. One of these was to retake a Fortress in the Abyss...