So it's an ARPG?
Wait, WoW is still around?
I got you beat for before and after photo's Efi.... [IMG] [IMG] I donated 12 inches to Pantene....
What impresses me the most is the serious lack of hand holding, things can be discovered, optional quests can be found and completed to gain...
"The game is Buy-to-Play" "You will buy the game on Steam. We haven't set a final price, but I expect it to be around $40." "There will also be...
Here is a very good read as well. Exactly, that's what Trump needs to do to win the election, two monkeys on a pig. I also just want to make a... Sandbox rpg style game from one of the guys that brought us Asheron's Call. I heard about it a long time ago and decided...
I need a new game
I think it's navy, get it, cause he's in the military :D I figured it out, the origins of DT's name are 'Navy Wave' thus meaning he used to work...
Ok Mr Off-white Wave. Ok so I know this isn't going to be a mmo but I don't care...Jeff Strain BITCHES! For anyone who doesn't know Jeff... Did you like Mount and Blade? Did you answer yes to that question? Do you have a pulse? Do you think Object is awesome?...
I always suspected this. It all makes sense now, Ironjaw, Iron comes from the ground, potatoes come from the ground, jaws is a movie with a shark...
Damn right! You of all people should know I beat everyone into submission until they finally concede to my argument! I am a wizard...FACT! Anyone remember Project Titan? The game that ended up turning into Overwatch? Well to give you some history the...
Wizardly Object?
Elite Dangerous > No Features Sky From what I've been told by a buddy NMS doesn't even give you the option to manually land on a planet, it...
Right now I'm playing on Mythmoor Prime, a friend of mines WU server that he's recently changed so it's far less pay to winny. I told Arc that if...