i do wanna say thank you to everyone who has given me advice and now pretty sure it is a scam i did check with a lawyer online meemo and called my...
hahah thanks it wasn't a free server account, but i mean just for my defense in selling the account? whats wrong with wanting to make a little...
Panacea i dont want to take any chances, my family has had enuf trouble with me and if i get into a lawsuit with a company my parents will be very...
"E-mail i sent to "Dave" I would like your last name and and contact information to verify who u are, also proof of an written agreement of...
i've decided to e-mail the person named "dave" inqurying his last name, companies adress and proof of any contract i agreed thou which i dont...
ahhh well thx i might for the information i might just have to do that im pretty sure it is a scam as i went back to the webiste and looked thru...
lol i see i just get nervous seeing these type of e-mails and like i said the guy called me on my cellphone which mad it seem kinda legit once im...
Also i do close the account and the character is lost, if god forbid they are a legit buisness does that mean that i will get sued reguardless?
yeah iono the guy said he already talked to blizzard sent an inquiry into the account etc. and said he possess the number that was called into...
i am prolly jsut gunna give the account back but this involves apparantly calling blizzard etc o.O i the who future govermnt jobs scares me since...
im interested in waht im not telling the truth but i can post the e-mail to u guyz they say liek i said b4 to jsut give the account back or pay...
Quote: gangs of children are the combatants brutally killing each other for food, drugs, sex, and greatness. ??? Id go with the firsT i liek...
am having a rather annoying issue, about 5-6 months ago i sold my WoW account to a company that buys accounts, recently i have recieved e-mails...
i'm starting to get more and more interested in creative writing and have started to outline two different stories, but with work and such i don't...
i actually got in for free so it wasnt a waste of money jsut time i guess
I watched Saw V over the weekend i have to see it was probably the worst one out of all of them. For those of you who haven't kept up on the Saw...