Awesome Enigma, thanks again! One more question: Motherboards Looking at the three listed in the link and for something around that price...
Gonna go with the EVGA GeForce GTX 560 2GB, thanks again enigma! You said Corsair RAM was junk, what about Power Supplies?...
OooOo... heatsinks! I'm actually going to take enigma's advice and go with the GeIL EVO CORSA Series 8GB. Can we talk GPUs? Looking at this...
Ha, I thought you might say that. Ok so here's what I have ultimately decided on: CASE:...
Quite fine, very interesting read. May I ask what overclocking software you use?
Unfortunately no, the closest thing we have is a Best Buy. They don't really have many computer components other than hard drives. However, I...
Do you know of any other websites with good component prices other than newegg? TigerDirect has the AMD Phenom II X6 1100T but its $200 :(
They're cheaper and run just as great (if not better) than an Intel. With Intel it just seems you're buying the name, but maybe I am biased?...
Building a new rig soon, here are the main components: Case MOBO SAPPHIRE 100315L Radeon HD 6850 1GB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 2.1 x16 HDCP...
No interview yet, not in a rush though, we've got a while until GW2 comes out anyways. Although, I would like to get one set up.
NSman, I just sent you a PM then saw your new post. I can do Wednesday at 6:00 PST, but if something doesn't work out with dusanyu, maybe we...
My IGN was Rethgan Deathgate. As for the second, honestly, I'm not sure. I want to say they played under ZERO but it was so long ago, back...
Other Games ApplicationHow old are you? 21 What game are you applying for? Guild Wars 2 (You guys don't have a GW2 application btw) In-Game...