What game are you applying for?
one, its callled bookmarks....
Sure thing man, again thanks.
Thanks Arimil for picking up my slack, work has gotten my crazy busy; people just cant seem to stay alive. I would like to meet with you one...
Im running duel 260's. So awesome.
He plays RFO with our current players, accepted.
Why do you thing you'll be a good fit? Cuz im just the right size!!!! WINNNNNN Nice application, looks to be in order as well. PM you...
ACCEPTED. Probation ends after 30 days. Post around and get to know everyone. Make sure you check out the New Recruits Guide for TERA and do...
Nice application, looks to be in order as well. PM you with TS info for a interview, this is a way for me to get to know you; and for you to...
literally, your tag says it! :D
Heres a good idea, you say unsupported divisions have no CO, well heres my thinking: Unsupported divisions are unsupported for a reason; have that...
idk why you think thats funny, government run healthcare is a terrible idea.