Star Wars the old republic.... Glad to see infinity is up there, thats another game im keeping a close eye on.
Makes sense though, supreme commander is about giant robots and mechs and stuff, and you find those on every street corned in Japan. Just hope...
During the great/first Sith war they were a crucial part of the sith forces. Though yes Jedi have certainly had more 'wins' against them its also...
There is a guild thread on their forums which we should probably sign up on. Although we have still yet to decide on which side to pick we can...
They have hinted on there being other classes. And anyone who thinks that a Force User would wipe the floor with someone who isnt a force user...
They mention there are other classes available ( Bounty hunter, smuggler, soldier, scout, scoundrel etc etc etc ) but a good majority of players...
I doubt there will be the 'grey' Jedi types. It does look like you have to join the republic or the sith. That being said however they said they...
Bioware were hiding this one well ( sarcasm ) but its now been revealed that the next KOTOR game will be a MMO. BRILLIANT! Heres the site :...
Normally when you get your first one out your second one is free :D
Its still not 100% undestood but its normally the result of a obstruction or a ulceration. Bacteria can also be a cause. Either way they all lead...
Yeha not sure what happened there, i tried linking it from the site where i found it but they took it off apparently. gonna put it up by photobucket
I saw this and figured it deserves its own thread here, its so bad its brilliant! ( might be worth clicking the bar to read it easier ) [IMG] hungry
Mortal Online ( if you havent heard of it go look it up ) is announcing a competion for its community to create a creature. First Prize will have...
How they described this DoW is going to be so much better to the original. Rather than just chucking out SM your going to be recruiting them one...