It has a professional polished sound. Sounds great. Keep up the good work.
Pro-tip: Use spoiler tags on the answers to make the game more fun. Example: <Image> [spoiler]
Thanks for the birthday comment.
Vincente Valtieri is an NPC is Oblivion. I thought the name was awesome so I used it in other games. Saraphin was random in guild wars. I created...
10 things you need to know about the monk: It's a pretty funny read. "Total bad-assery."
Warning the Metal I like has singing as well as screaming in it. Here is one of each. Five Finger Death Punch - The Bleeding: uxX19_QAWbw...
PTR = Patch Test Realm. My understanding is it will be an area to connect to instead of USEast/USWest. I could be mistaken but I think that is the...
Bashiok posted a quick update on the status of the long-awaited D2X:v1.13 patch. PTR = Patch Test Realm. We’re going to get to try this one...
Binding: "Let me try to clarify. As of the Blizzcon build, there was a special quest items inventory, on another tab from the main...
I have not seen it and will not got but one thing pissed me off from the trailer. The car wash thing at 1:48 -v4osKSQrrk This would be so...
Yeah. I guess they didn't care. It is my fault though. Anyway I sent them updated links to fix that. Here's another one I made for fun. I read...
The metal I am into most are: - Five Finger Death Punch - Bullet For My Valentine - All That Remains - Slipknot
That does look awesome. If I am not mistaken Johnny Deep, Colin Ferrell, and/or Jude Law all did this film for free or the money they got was...
Yes, The Crow and Kill Bill are dark enough for me.
I am a nerd. I got really excited when I went to Take Cover's myspace and saw the poster scrolling in the show fliers section:...
I don't understand... This probably kills the hope for darker Marvel comic book movies (like DC's Batman Begins/Dark Knight). Also what happens...
How good was The Watchmen? It was pretty much identical.
1st. Thank you for merging the threads! I tend to agree with you. I think it's a really cool idea, but I think it should be a PC version as...
Full WD skill list. Similar to the barb one I will just post the link because it would be a wall of text to post them all....
:) If a kind moderator would merge the threads that would be awesome.