Source Nothing ground breaking but more interesting then the last few. Source's Interview with Jay Wilson Source Source I meant to get back to this and add the 3 link to the rest of the questions. Only I didn't...
It's a great mix of comedy, gore, violence, suspense, love and zombies. Pretty much everything I wanted. 9/10
Strange I figured you would have gone with Indestructible 3PHEI1kZVyg
I really liked it. It felt like a video game story to me. The animation was really great. The fights were interesting. Some of the characters...
I'm with most people I don't understand how the wizard will not use mana. This is Diablo. It's not a DnD where they get spells per day. Maybe the...
I am a Computer Engineer. I feel your pain. For me the fun classes I had were some of the programming ones and some psych. I would say tough it...
Because the fans wanted it. There is a pretty lengthy interview with Troy Duffy about it. It's really old so take it for what it's worth....
Thanks for everything! Take care.
I saw it a fee weeks ago and I am really excited. I loved the 1st one. Your link is broken, well I mean the video is no longer there....
Step 1. Convince them to All join Xoo with you. Step 2. Step 3. Profit
I'm dumb and got Iron Maiden and Judas Priest confused... Fixed the OP.
From the other music thread I mentioned: Five Finger Death Punch Bullet For My Valentine All That Remains Slipknot...
Those are a little old. Don't pick Mark Bugler.
My Bards name is Valindria. I am 3k away from level 5.
Yes Free to play is limited. Basically you need to get find leveling sigils as quest rewards or buy them to be able to get a max level toon....
There has been the Free to Play beta testing up for awhile. The Servers were updated on September 1st for VIP and 9th for everyone else with Mod...
Ha that was pretty clever. :)