Even so, if you download them, you can just run in compatibility mode and it runs like a dream.
A good woman who will stick around.
Lol, the benefit to this as well is that I don't have to yank it out of my gig bag, re set up my tones, and watch the paint get scratched off them...
That's what the RockCase pedal board is for, it'll hold all of them and allow me to transport them.
Today is mah birthday, which means plenty of money to spend on new, oh so awesome toys, so, here are the pedals I am ordering today: Boss TU-2...
WAAAGGGHHH!! Miss you too Sipo. :( I've finally started playing WAR with Xen. :)
Well, with a little ingenuity and some careful thought this morning, (mostly while I was having a good shit), I had this crazy idea to splice our...
/thread You sir win caek :cake1:
LOL! That is fucking awesome!
That was awesome!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBVmfIUR1DA I miss U.T.
I actually lol'd at this one, and clapped. My room mates gave me funny looks. Someone finally did it! XD Although I was hoping for rocks, but...
Ok, I'm not into Dragonball or any of that crap anymore, but when I was a kid I loved Dragonball Z. Goku wasn't some dumb ass gaijen, and more...
Ahh, yea, those were the days, sitting around, waiting for the site to come back from exceeding its quota. My poor little refresh button...
It's never quite that epic. XD
Good for her for actually being a musician. So many singers who know shit about theory or how to play another instrument are in this world today,...
I fucking love this show, but fell off the train a while back because I just didn't feel like watching it online anymore, but I'm gonna catch up...
I'd burn the fucker to the ground. It's not worth it to go in and clean that shit up. Btw Moon, it's a she.
How in the fuck do you let it GET that bad!? Jesus christ.
<3 Moon, I miss talking to you.