[IMG] As some of you may know the latest CS game has released and its full of counter strike goodness. Has a very distinct feel like CSS and 1.6....
Bought it... 3770k Asus matx mobo Mushkin redline (paid the extra to get it) Lian li case Well pick up a gtx670 next week or whenever it...
damn those arent bad, but for the price id almost rather go with the lian li and just do the wiring right
thats the plan :D which reminds me i forgot to add that as a need for the case thread....
also i looked at the sabertooth, and i would get it except it doesnt 'support' as many ram speeds, shouldnt it all be the same though through...
overall is it a good time to build or should i wait? are there any major releases coming up? 1155 socket isnt nearing the end of its life cycle...
It looks like that D900 actually does not have a door on the front. thats pretty damn sexy though.
Ok so, along with my other build thread I was wondering about cases. Currently I am looking at a LIAN LI PC-V2120B Black Aluminum ATX Full Tower...
lol that would be awesome if he gets it done!
Yeah I dunno my comp just struggles on things like arma and bf3, but in general bf3 is having issues. I'm wondering what the most distinct change...
Do you think I should bother upgrading my GTX456 or should i wait for a bit yet to make it more worth the money?...
Wondering if anyone had thoughts, I am planning to go Intel, probably the lower end socket 2011. Not sure if I want to jump here yet......
I definitely wasnt aware of this whole CM issue. fuck dude. I agree though, fuck CM, whether you believe all that, or not, the feature base is...
Yep that's why I asked it here. Enigma, the amount of insane in depth knowledge you put down blows my mind. I bounce around a ton when it...
yeah i have a galaxy nexus running a flavor of the cyanogen mod JB preview, dunno about the high bitrate stuff. Also my phone doesnt support...
The techtlak forums might as well be the ask enigma section lol, dunno why i dont just PM you... Scenario: I work IT and sit at my desk all...
oh god.... i fucking want..... so bad..... I have the siberia V2's, i really like them and a few other xoobies also swear by them, USB, good...
its very fun. its amazing how a game can elicit such emotion from the players the way this one does. such rage, anger, and grief.
[IMG] So we have had a few people come into the DayZ channel in teamspeak mention how they didnt know we had a DayZ group. Well we do. We have...
damn i didnt realize they had a good following here, actually they are selling the 2b versions in limited production runs over at 120hz.net for...