Scammer alert! Kidding, great job to the site, spent a lot of time on it today just checking things out!
I like that is seems a bit slower like you said, depends on how bad it's Pay to Win really. These pay to play games can suck over a 100 bucks a...
Yeah, loved the ad, kinda made me think if it was a joke or not though.
I'll be interested once I get my gaming laptop back from the wife in a couple months!
The good ol days of 15 man ubrs lol
It's moments like that you really get a joy out of the fact you are actually experiencing life to it's fullest. Great satisfaction from that.
Looks awesome, I just hope it h as more lush jungle fighting like the original. P783IzgOXq0
My wife does not game at all, and she doesn't even enjoy watching it. I only play when she goes to bed and that seems to work. I also get a day...
I use to play the shit outta the first game and was a beast, however, I tried playing the second, and yes it was a total mess.
stolen from nissan
I'm doing an exercise up north, average weather is -55c (-67f) currently. Had to take a specialty course before going on this exercise. That's...
Wow, I must say, I don't follow US politics myself, but really once they got to the geographical questions, I can't even believe they didn't know...
Anyone who over the age of 20 and belongs to an online gaming group is a nerd. (Myself highly included)
Russia is going to take over Canada, these bullets will not help :(
lol erock, that would be so much more fun with air plane sim though.
12 quarters plus the tax, which is 15% of the total sale, so 12 more quarters
No, I'm pretty sure they where bad.
Was wondering about this title, I might check it out.
I got it for 99 cents at some point, was fun, but ran outta juice after a couple days. Mind you I didn't play any type of multiplayer so that...
Yeah played the demo, and I lost interest right away, couldn't even bother to play it all the way through. The camera was too tight and the...