aye I was under the assumption that her non-working ass was gonna use her student loans to pay for her nclex exam but somehow I got nominated to...
Edited - shipping put on hold for a bit due to unforseen wife expenses
you would think that with all those fans it would be noisy as hell, but it actually is pretty darn quiet. the two biggest ones sit about 2 feet to...
Better late than never. finally got around to taking pics of my now one month old build: [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]
Dogtag's are in. I got a box of 60 this evening in the mail. I Will start mailing them out to all the people in the United States and Canada on...
Here is the reply from the manufacturer on when our tags are expected to be completed: ALSO As seen in this final production artwork image...
REMINDER: Need your mailing addresses - -the dog tags are paid in full, artwork has been approved and now they are being made. I should get a...
I will get the list updated later this evening after work.
Now in physical production. No changes can be made.
Anyone see any issues with this revised artwork? If I reply back TODAY by NOON that it is good to go, they start producing these today I see...
this list if for people who have sent me thier mailing addresses, not for people who just want one. got to give up that mailing addy or I got no...
your name is on there? read it again.
From the Members General Chat thread on this same thing: GOOD CATCH ! ! ! ! Thier reply to our changes: my reply back to them
quick update: Here is the first round of production artwork used to make the stamp and die's for our dogtags. They were not exactly on the mark...
by the amount of stamps and stencils this guy is using I am betting he is a mudbox modeler. If not he should be.
UPDATE ON NAMES RECEIVED SO FAR (February 19th): moneda EpyonNext decoyninja trancet Noollab Kyoji firestarsolo Owainn Endless Sythe...
Premium? Pay real money to buy pretty planes? or planes that you spend in-game earned points/credits/certs/XP or whatever to purchase? I preferr...
Came across this today and was wondering if anyone can tell me some info about it? http://warthunder.com/ Is it really multiplayer or just...