I'm not looking forward to the levels of safety we'll need to uphold at that point. A world where people can create biological viruses out of...
Perhaps, but it doesn't really elaborate on how the orbitron calculations would allow the QC's to become more stable-- just how they could speed...
Just to let people know, the OP has been updated with the meeting agenda. ...for those of us where the timezone makes this unreasonable could...
After we get a CRO this'll be their job, don't worry. Anyway, are our EU guys expected to listen to the recording or is there some sort of...
On behalf of GW2, we'd really appreciate it if main XoO would cater equally to EU players, we are going to need a well-balanced timezone presence...
Well that makes voting easy =]
Little music game we used to play in GW1 TS, how it works is you post 1 song / 10 posts on the page with a grooveshark link. -You're allowed to...
meemo has HA and GvG experience, just not much of it I've done some successful elespike with him in proph 6 years ago. Also I think secksy...
@Forum Good call, I think you showed me SD once and they had some quality posters, really don't blame you for not xooforuming when not gaming....
Welcome back ed, nice to see you considering a return. @Changed Almost everything about XoO has changed, the leadership, members, game focus,...
Pre-Purchase Perks -3 Days Headstart Access (play release before it releases) -Access to Beta -Bonus Item Deluxe (+$20) -One-shot items...
SOME GAMES ARE DONE! I've had a single core pentium4 1gig of ram 30gigHDD with geforce 6200 (and thats after upgrade this year) for the last...
Good posts as usual mwhays, yeah I think I might do that for PS and rosetta stone, but man I did a runthrough of the cost of those language packs...