OK, you convinced me. I'll concede that announcing significant level gains is an ok thing in smaller tight-knit guilds. But I still think that in...
I 100% agree, rav. It's obnoxious. The only acceptable time to announce a level gain is when you hit the top level.
and then the thread was ruined.
That's all well and good taz and earley and whoever else. But dash has said MULTIPLE times that THERE WILL NOT BE A PLACE TO DISCUSS CONTROVERSIAL...
qq moar. gb2www.liberalforum.org
I use spysweeper. I pay like $40 a year and its totally worth it.
11 minutes late. But Happy Bday anyways.
What's the ip for vent? xoo.ventrilo.org isn't working for me. I got a new computer and want to know the best way to get wow up and running....
Welcome to 5 years ago, boys.
Wow, that had to be a moving and humbling experience. Nice pics!
Soooooo..... what?
I literally lol'd. Awesome.
This looks shopped, I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.
I wasn't kidding. Its from the episode "Fast Times at Buddy Cianci, Jr. High".
Family Guy did it. You are, in fact, not a comic genius.
It's pretty big news here in Atlanta since it all took place a little ways away. The guy got fired because it was "behavior unbecoming of a police...
Try a boot disk and system restore. Sounds like a bad boot sector to me.
Are you retarded? Jeez...
I think that the fact that a good part of the US is either rural farming land so still on dialup or cheap ass bastards that are also still on...