Remember, most ships will NOT be built by players. The corporations building ships will almost all be NPC. We're just going to be able to...
They've already said they is going to be plenty of warning for the defenders when someone is trying to board. You're not going to get surprise...
That exact thing was part of the $26 million goal, so yes.
There are a lot of details that aren't clear. But chances are, yes. Someone trying and failing to mug you doesn't give you permission to mug them.
My bad on that, I hadn't checked it since yesterday. Should be there now.
Insurance fraud is found by support, they're going to make your entire account uninsurable, not just the character. Don't try to game the system...
Yes, you can permanently steal a ship. The one you stole from reports it as stolen and gets an insurance replacement. Insurance company flags...
X Rebirth's controls are a mind****: Q: Pitch left E: Pitch right A: Strafe Left D: Strafe right W: Vertical thrusters up S: Vertical thrusters...
[media] I'm not even sure mouse and keyboard is going to be viable in this game. It's barely manageable in X Rebirth. I'm definitely going to...
Apply to the usergroup, I've got a thread explaining everything in the private SC forum.
Oh, I'll definitely grab the 4k version when it comes around, but I don't expect one until late 2015-2016. It'll almost certainly still have the...
I'm an original backer, there are details in the other thread but basically you use their website to gift me a package, I melt that package for...
Yes. You must have alpha/beta access in order to play anything before the actual game launches, at which point you have to buy the game. $35 can...
Nice. I've used them before but I'm waiting until the consumer version (1080p) releases to get one for myself.
Since this is going to be a very common question, here's the full list: Hangar Release date: August 29, 2013. Dogfighting Module Approximate...
Yeah and I wasn't thinking, two digital freelancers would work for $250.
Can't buy a gladiator in advance, so cutlass+ digi freelancer + base aurora model.
Cutlass ($100) + Digital Freelancer ($125). Plus, it lets me walk around a freelancer for a few minutes.
Also, if you're going to need me to get you LTI on one of the limited ships that are coming back, BEFORE they go on sale (we're getting a schedule...