I do not understand.
Oh yeah, Chaos was a great runeword, props to bnet for that. Enigma took it a step too far, same with Infinity.
So basically an artistic way to make accessing the information you want several times more difficult to locate and travel to than the current...
This game could be hello kitty online 2 and I wouldn't care, wait until you play the game until you judge. No amount of hype or devs shoving...
There are a lot of things to do with Buddhism's spirituality which I do not agree with as a whole, but I certainly agree with as thought concepts,...
That is ridiculous and 4 times more resources in every facet than I have.
We have a community based around gaming, this environment is a vacuum of "life", that's a huge part of gaming's intended purpose.
Glowsticking wraps are pretty nice, you should check out flowpoi technology, they have microstrobe variations that make patterns when you spin, at...
That would be cheating, Canadians trust in their people as a whole to be more responsible at that age.
I can't run it, I can barely run GW. All my money is going into schooling right now so I can't afford a new computer.
They looked like they were practicing a choriography skit, which is pretty cool and I think a lot of people like that sort of thing, but I think...
The first link was pretty good, I have the rankin remix of the second song (it's actually just a sampler vocal someone else remixed). Really...
Great and original point here Shoji =3 I listen to GOA Trance, does that make me a Diablo II/Stepmania player?
Well, for the sake of the guild I think I have to mention that new games are bets, where as already established games are investments.
Warning: Volatile Material, Handle With Care
Kyoji knows his odds, he's just willing to put all his chips on the longshot. Any members that he talking into signing up for the beta (or full...
The PotBS hit XoO with it's fail wake.
2 Biggest problems in America that could have by all means avoided without greater negative reprocussions: 1) The mixture of the ideals of church...
I never vote, clearly I'm a little different in IRL affairs as I am with XoO affairs =P