do the tattoos read "lol why you mad", though?
Truth, and what my thesis is about. Hopefully the research and models that I'm making will get some attention at least with bigger companies that...
agreed, esp if you watch the force feedback for it.. I'd want to play an FPS with it.
I had about 1.5 years played on my main in EQ, and 350 days played in WoW on my main so far :P
actually, the question was regarding the client :P 7gig and change update for it if you don't have any previous data, but it dl'd pretty fast for...
Nah: [img]
To be fair, that UI is an example of the user probably not being very good and doesn't realize several sets of information are being displayed......
great, because you have got a face made for radio friend!
yeah we run Hey0's server mod, with Runecraft and Stargate mods. Aside from that it's just normal stuff.
PM him for info on his server, we also have a more or less official xoo server that we moved into the minecraft forums.
there's a second u AND an s? I always called you Rubix! :P
I was hoping for the follow up phrase to be: [img]
classic example of: Guy In Real Life
Likewise, I do not know what games you play but that is completely irrelevant to the product (esp considering the layout displayed has your 40...
the idea, though, is to have a context sensitive board rather than having to keybind G or the numrow. It would just change to whatever ability...
The data for the image is cached on your machine doc, which is why it appears to work for you. Try uploading it to somewhere else and posting...
action comedy, and it plays it very well... Sheila ftw. also that tuna vs lion was hilarious.
I DL'd it to watch it a couple nights back. I hadn't bothered to look at the runtime, so when I got tired about an hour or so in where nothing...
i've mastered the art of getting a running start and then slipping on a banana peel. update: I got him balanced on his knee teetering back and...
incidentally, it could BE a gold mine :p Just give them enough stuff to worry about between collapses, oxygen levels, and offer micro...