haha nice
For the first year ever.. I didn't win anything.. makes me very sad... lol jk :P Congrats peeps. And neg Tommy.. I am at 16 medals lulz
God.. such nice toys lol
lmao.. not transphobic.. fucking hilarious... What is a Transgender Male->Female going to do with a tampon. They will never need them ever......
lol chiclet :P Nah its mechanical
well its only like 4-5 months old. But I changed the keyboard layout from the default and then back to the original US default and it seems to be...
its a laptop.
Well I changed it to another english (US) keyboard and it seems to have fixed the issue for now. But any suggestions on how it did that?
As you can s-e-e, ev-erytim-e h-e types -it hy-phen-ates all -of his wo-rds and what not. I ch-eck-ed his lang-uage and k-eyb-oard lay-out. B-ut I...
Sorry to hear that man. =(
Cute baby Steel... Happy wife is a good wife lol
oh sweet jesus.. how do we go from a virus to porn? Is that like the weird part of youtube that you always end up in?
I just like her cause everyone else hates her and I love her boxxy character lol
I love you
Annnnd we're off! lol
You knew Roy Jones Jr.???
Hell if I know.. I just stay to my own shit lol. I on the other hand only go to trusted websites.
trolololo one of my roommates was downloading shit and fucking it all up haha