He clearly knows way too much about shit. He explains stuff in super smart terms then dumbs it down for us common folk. Now i know my fair...
So I had signed up a few months back for a new WWII Flight Sim MMO ... this company happens to make other games and today I got an email saying I...
here ya go broski ... Im just gonna rock this in mah car all day son kuHvRhVzCVQ
Great website for anyone into the EDM scene ... They broad cast a ton of festivals and DJ sets from around the world www.be-at.tv !!!
Star Wars:TOR ApplicationHow old are you? 25 In-Game Name? Erock Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your primary class? (Sith...
too dubstep Jean Claude Van Damme Does!!!! http://youtu.be/JFLZdrj1nyo
After an insaine last 4 months of goin out clubbbbbbbin and going to festivals every weekend and seeing all the biggest names out right now ... I...
well i just upgraded the man cave ... from a 27" LCD tv from 7 years ago to a brand new 46" Sony LCD 1080p with 4 hdmi WHAT WHAT love this tv...
My xbox 360 goes nuts and decides it wants to light itself on fire ... No joke the CPU was smoking after a wait for it ... wait for it .... 3...
Well its time for me to leave in (7 hours) to florida for hockey nationals ... My team won the north east division so we have to travel to...
http://www.fileplanet.com/promotions/star-trek-online/ here are the times The sneak peek gameplay schedule is: January 6 @ 11:00 am PST to...
Not only do i get paid (not well but enough with a second job haha) but i get a pretty nice discount Core i7 860...