I have it. I just play it in offline mode so you will NEVER KNOW!
Dullard convinced me at the lAst minute.
I picked it up last night so there's another. Bishop plays too. It'll be a nice sized group.
Miir, Dullard, and Friendlyfire all have this. They have been trying to get me to buy the game for this but I don't feel like spending that kind...
Yea the recent release seems to have given the americans some sort of buff. Ever since it came out I think germans have only one once.
I am. Erock never plays much because he's kicking a ball around and I'm sure I could get the others to play again if more people were interested....
Very nice!
The Batman games while very fun are always annoyingly buggy. The first batman game burned up my video card because of the memory leak. Of course I...
I think the cutlass will be a lot more fun than a super hornet but in a dogfight a super hornet will probably come out on top.
So the same as Earthrise heh. FFFFFFFF.
Hopefully its not like Earthrise and says all this crap then just sucks. I'm always down for another SWG style mmo.
Yea the prowler looks like its going to be a lot of fun.
Welcome back Rag!
I really want a carrack but that's just a bit much for me right now. I'd trade in my Super-Hornet for it too which means I would lose alpha access.
I have zero faith in any company to handle a f2p model.
And that is why the CoD series is now crap. People know the game is going to suck but buy it anyway because its "name brand". If people would...
What we're old mmofps games? The Warhammer 40k mmo is moving along.